LUG2 is a co-working space in the centre of Herzberg (Elster) that creates a platform for new ideas, modern forms of working and networking. In the rural co-working space, self-employed people, freelancers, students or employees can work flexibly and exchange ideas.
On 21 February 2019 the “experimental space” LUG2 opened in the city centre of Herzberg (Elster) in South Brandenburg as a model working and learning space for entrepreneurial people and as a showcase, contact point and place of communication and exchange.
“Generationen gehen gemeinsam” (G3) e.V. initiated the project in cooperation with the young entrepreneurs’ network “NEOpreneurs” and the city of Herzberg.
Project partners such as the Sparkassen-Stiftung Zukunft-Elbe-Elster-Land and local Herzberg businesses, which paid a rent subsidy to promote the start-up scene in Herzberg, were successfully integrated into the project.
Within the 13-month project period, three co-working spaces were permanently used. Thanks to many events, a good regional and national network and the extraordinary commitment of all project partners, LUG2 is now one of the showcase examples of co-working spaces in rural areas.
After the funding phase ended, Markus Wegner – one of the first co-workers and project initiators – took over the operation of LUG2 and moved it to a new location in the city centre of Herzberg/Elster.
The model project was funded by the district of Elbe-Elster through the funding programme “Land(auf)Schwung” by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.