Federal Network for Inland Migration “Hüben & Drüben”

Five German inland migration initiatives – Comeback Elbe-Elster, Heimvorteil HSK, WillKOMMEN.WillBLEIBEN.WillHEIMAT, World Wide Woid and the Wirtschaftsförderung Neumünster GmbH – founded the federal network for inland migration “Hüben & Drüben”.
The Federal Network of inland immigration initiatives was founded in 2021 under the leadership of the organisation “Generationen gehen gemeinsam (G3)” e. V. The aim is to exchange project ideas through networking, to develop new ideas and to create synergies. Through new approaches, it should be possible to better support those willing to return and move to rural regions all over Germany and to strengthen rural areas. The current trends of moving to the countryside are to be seen and used as a possible development opportunity for rural areas. In addition to practical, action-oriented exchange, the project will strengthen the dialogue between East and West Germany and create understanding for the different biographical backgrounds of inland migration, their motives and approaches to support.
A joint website, a social media presence on Facebook and Instagram as well as a joint Slack channel and regular digital meetings are intended to reach out especially to small initiatives in eastern and western Germany and invite them to get involved in making rural life in Germany worth living.

With this idea “Generationen gehen gemeinsam” (G3) e.V. applied in the category “East-West partnerships: discovering commonalities” in the “Machen!2020” ideas competition. “Hüben & Drüben” came second and was one of the main prize winners. The annual ideas competition of the Federal Government Commissioner for the New Federal States, State Secretary Marco Wanderwitz, is intended to honour the creative will, the wealth of ideas and the commitment of citizens for the good of the community.