Erasmus+ MediaParents
MediaParent consultants conduct media education evenings for parents and help to convey and implement media education. The project “MediaParents” trains these consultants, accompanies them and connects them. The goal: Strengthening media education together!
Since September 2020, “Generationen gehen gemeinsam” (G3) e.V. has been coordinating the Erasmus+ project “MediaParents – Competence Training for Media Education of Parents in Rural Areas”. The aim of the project is to promote the competence of parents in media education.
Together with five other partners from Germany, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bulgaria, we are developing an online qualification training that makes it possible to independently conduct a media educational parents’ evening at daycare centres or schools. The free e-learning offer covers topics of media education relevant to children and young people in three different age groups. The courses are modular and can be selected and completed individually.
The further education offer is complemented by an extensive collection of materials and a map for finding qualified MediaParent consultants.
Project number: 2020-1-DE02-KA204-007551
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