Co-Working in Elbe-Elster

Through the establishment and operation of the first co-working space and the support of other co-working spaces in Elbe-Elster, the association has expertise in co-working in rural areas.

With the establishment of the first co-working space in Elbe-Elster in 2016 in the Comeback Elbe-Elster Willkommens Agentur in Finsterwalde with two spaces, “Generationen gehen gemeinsam ” (G3) e.V. acted as a pioneer in co-working in the Elbe-Elster region. Freelancers, start-ups, pupils, students or employees with mobile work options have already used the co-working space for a mutual exchange of ideas, for inspiration or professional networking.  

“Generationen gehen gemeinsam” (G3) e.V. has been able to acquire valuable expertise during the establishment and operation of this co-working space. This expertise was used in the establishment of the Lug2 co-working space in Herzberg. Here, the association acted as project carrier in the establishment of the co-working space. Furthermore, the association acted in an advisory capacity in setting up the Meet@Work co-working space in Bad Liebenwerda, which is operated by the IHK Cottbus.

Comeback Elbe-Elster is a regular guest at Lug2 and Meet@Work for consultation days.